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Mrs Heathcote and Mrs Paley welcome you to the Year 2 page.

Summer Term 2024

Year 2 enjoyed our school trip to Welsh mountain zoo to learn about habitats and conservation.
We worked together to create a beautiful collage of Prestatyn after looking at the work of the artist Josie Russell. She lives in Wales.
We went to the Morfa fields to learn outdoors for Fresh Air Friday!
We have enjoyed creating amazing artworks in the outdoor classroom using natural materials.
Using natural materials to explore time in the Outdoor classroom.
Exploring electrical circuits

Spring Term 2024

Dydd Gwyl Dewi
We worked together to create a collage of Prestatyn using different materials.
Diwrnod Santes Dwynwyn activities – Ionawr 25
We made a 3D map of Prestatyn
Our visit from PC Manus
Year 2 have been learning to use money

Summer Term 2023

During our Year 2 Sports we had lots of fun taking part in lots of different races and trying our best. We raced as individuals but also worked in pairs and small teams
We have learnt to use Scratch to create different moving pictures. We chose the background, characters and movements that we wanted to use. We enjoyed sharing these with our friends.
We learnt the Welsh poem Glaw
We made our own pizza dough by weighing flour and stirring in natural yoghurt. We chose our toppings and carefull put them on our pizza in a symmetrical pattern
We used water colours to create artwork inspired by the astist Janet Bell
We worked in pairs to design a new room for a house. We talked about different ideas and the materials which we were going to use. We then followed our design to make our room.

Spring Term 2023

Autumn term 2022

Forest Fun

Summer term 2022

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed working with the artist Tim Pugh to create some impressive pieces of artwork out of natural resources

Summer Term 2021

Spring Term 2021

Using numicon
Sorting using a Venn diagram
Sorting odd and even numbers
Practicing our reading
Making Tabards
Hurdles in PE
Fun in the forest
Working together to build dens in the forest
Practicing our measuring skills
Learning about tens and units.
Learning about changing materials, then designing and decorating biscuits
Designing and making puppets for our chosen figure.
Art work inspired by Tim Pugh

Each half term we will be sharing news, photographs, special events and achievements as well as providing information on the work planned for each half term.

Spring Term 2020