Making the most of everyone. Gwneud y gorau o bawb.
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Miss Jones and Miss Roberts welcome you to our Year 4 page.
Each half term we will be sharing news, photographs, special events and achievements.
Spring Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023
4J enjoyed keeping fit and healthy by participating in the PowerWise sessions with Coach Josh from Wrexham FC.
Check out the shelters we created using Minecraft. We really enjoyed this Digi Den challenge!
Look at some of the amazing dens we built in our Discovery Zone!
We are enjoying our Let’s Say hooks which are helping inspire us with our creative writing. During this lesson we uncovered a piece of lost luggage from a plane wreckage in the Rainforest.
We had a fantastic ‘Super Start’ to our first topic of Year 4 with a visit to DangerPoint, learning all about how to stay safe.
We investigated the impact of temperature on our body reactions. We had to plan our investigation and offer sensible predictions.
We’ve been learning all about Area in Maths with an enjoyable hands on introduction lesson.
What a great workshop we participated in led by Catrin from Dwr Cymru. We learnt all about the importance of water and how the water network works.
Summer Term 2023
4J had a blast at the Inflatable Park!
We enjoyed taking our Maths lessons outside to learn all about the different types of angles
Learning all about Atoms, Elements & Compounds in Darganfod
Learning a valuable Life skill in telling the time
Investigating Chromatography in the labs at PHS
Spring Term 2023
Mummifying fruit investigation during our Ancient Egypt fortnight
Gemau Cymraeg efo’r Urdd
Factor Pairs
Dinosaur Poo Investigation
Dinosaur Clay Eyes Creation Station Task
Designing and testing out contraptions inspired by Archimedes screw during our Ancient Greece Week
Autumn Term 2022
Size of Wales came to work with us and teach us about the rainforest and how vital it is to our survival. We learned about deforestation and ‘eco-warriors!’ We feel really inspired to make a difference.
We attended a First Aid workshop carried out by St. Johns Ambulance. We learned how to put somebody into the recovery position, CPR and how to dress a wound! We are learning to be healthy, confident individuals!
We are ethical, informed citizens in Blwyddyn 4. Here we are celebrating Black History month learning about and celebrating significant people who have made a positive impact on our world.
We wrote instructions and followed them to make ‘fruit wands’. We learned to give our opinions in Cymraeg. Dwi’n hoffi afal achos maen blasus!
Year 4 have been immersed in a rainforest adventure during their discovery lessons this term. Here they are building a raft out of a variety of materials to help ‘The Explorer’ cross the river!
Summer Term 2022
We planned and performed documentaries about our natural world.We made designed our own family crests and created digital storyboards retelling the Battle of BosworthWe loved our residential trip to Pentrellyncymer!We investigated mixing compounds by creating our own George’s Marvellous Medicine mixtures on World Book DayWe investigated changing states of matter by making our own Wonka themed chocolate bars on World Book DayWe designed and made our own Welsh Love Spoons for St David’s DayWe consolidated our 7x table knowledge using numicon
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters
We built and programmed our own Mars Rover using Lego and We Do 2.0Blwyddyn 4 had a workshop from Red Card Wales, we are learning to be ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.
Spring Term 2022
Zooming through history with King Henry VIII during our Tudor workshop.Raising money for Children in Need and making yummy Pudsey sprinkle cakes!Learning outdoors in our Forest School and Life Skills sessionsInvestigating the effects of global warming. We are learning to be ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world!
Summer Term 2021
Working on our ‘core values’ of what makes a successful team.
We love to be creative in our Ardal Greadigol! We have learned about different artists and developed our own creative styles using inspiration.
We love Life Skills in Blwyddyn 4!
Programming Robots!
Our life skills in the summer term has been gardening. We have enjoyed growing our own fruits and vegetables in the garden.
Olivia’s ‘lift the flap’ information book all about the functions of our organs.
Growing our own fruits and vegetables.
Following an algorithm and working as part of a team.
Blwyddyn 4 have enjoyed becoming Lego Engineers. We learned about Curiosity the Mars Rover and built and programmed our very own Mars Rover!
Tulisa and Melita using their Welsh
Team – The Boys, with the fan they built and programmed as part of their Lego project
Team Sailors with the model they built and programmed
Holly, Ava and Emilie using their Cymraeg.
Folafemi, Bryce, Ben and Daniel having fun playing Who’s Who in Cymraeg
Carly and Aliyah with the fan they built and coded on the computer
Autumn Term 2020-2021
P.E with Joe for Children in Need
Monkeying around in Forest School!Making symmetrical routines in gymnastics!
Making electrical circuits in science!
Learning about germs in Science and the importance of washing our hands!
Children in Need
Being creative in our ardal greadigol
We enjoyed playing Quiz, Qiz, Trade to practise our Welsh
We enjoyed drawing in the simplified style of Josef Herman
Playing fastest finger to learn Welsh vocabulary
Playing fastest finger to learn Welsh vocabulary
George drew an electrical power station after we had learnt where electricity is made.
George and Jake enjoyed making a switch for their circuit
4R practicing the song ‘So Strong’ by Labi Siffre
Jamie and Levi measured out and drew the tallest man to ever live.
Millie and Millie found out about the largest domestic cat in the world. He is 4 years old and lives in the USA.
Practising Songs
Life skills lessons
Pixel Art
Class moves – Crocodiles and CaterpillarsGetting ready for Christmas!Faint o’r gloch Mr BlaiddTaking fallen apples into Forest SchoolCollecting Fallen ApplesNofio!Waiting!Listening!Our 10 minute daily exerciseCoding using Hwb J2eCreating video game jinglesCreating Video Game timelineDesigning our own musical instrumentsMore video game jinglesMaking Video game jingles