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Moving Up Service by Year 2

Year 2 children will perform their Moving Up Service as they reach the end of Foundation Phase and prepare for joining key stage 2 in September.

Year 6 Leavers Service 1:15pm – 3:15pm

This is the end of their time at Ysgol Penmorfa and Year 6 pupils will perform their End of School Leaving Service.  All Year 6 parents, Grandparents and friends are welcome and the service will also include the Awards Ceremony.

Year 3 – Christmas Service 2:30pm

There will be hot and cold drinks and some other goodies for sale at the back of the hall and a free creche run by school staff for younger siblings whilst you enjoy the service - doors open 2:15pm

Year 6 Christmas service – 2:30pm

There will be hot and cold drinks and some other goodies for sale at the back of the hall and a free creche run by school staff for younger siblings whilst you enjoy the service - doors open 2:15pm

Year 2 Christmas service – 9:15am

There will be hot and cold drinks and some other goodies for sale at the back of the hall and a free creche run by school staff for younger siblings whilst you enjoy the service - doors open 2:15pm

Year 5 Christmas service – 2:30pm

There will be hot and cold drinks and some other goodies for sale at the back of the hall and a free creche run by school staff for younger siblings whilst you enjoy the service - doors open 2:15pm

Children’s service at the Parish Church am

This is a pupil only event. All of them from Reception to Year 6 will walk to the Church during the morning for their own Christmas Service and will be back in school in time for lunch.

Year 4 Christmas service -9:15am

There will be hot and cold drinks and some other goodies for sale at the back of the hall and a free creche run by school staff for younger siblings whilst you enjoy the service - doors open 9:00am

5F Class Service

Mr Fuller's class will deliver their class service today.  All welcome.

1F Class Service

Mrs Fuller's class will deliver their class service today.  All welcome.