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Prestatyn Parish Carol Service – 3.00pm

Parish Church High Street, Prestatyn

Our Choirs will be singing once again at the Parish Church Christmas Service along with other schools in the town.  This is a very well attended service as many of the schools' children take part.

Festival of Christmas Trees – KS2 Choir

The Key Stage 2 Choir will be singing at the Festival in the Parish Church, Prestatyn High Street, at 1:30pm. Everyone is welcome to go along to hear them.

Choir performance at the Town Carol Service – 3:00pm

Once again this year our Choir has been asked to take part in the Town Carol Service at Christ Church, High Street, Prestatyn. Further details will be given to the Choir pupils before the event.

Choir performance 3:30pm – 4:00pm

The Choir have been practising a wide variety of songs this year and they will be performing some of them today in the school hall. This will be the final choir group of the year.  Please come along and enjoy