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PTA Easter Egg Tombola

The PTA will be holding an Easter Egg Tombola straight after school today so please come along and have a go. There will be a prize every time and a chance to win some of the bigger prizes too. 

Key stage 2 Easter Egg Competition

The results of the KS2 Easter Egg Competition will be announced and the winners will receive a gift. More details about the competition will follow.

Summer Fair

This year's Summer Fair will take place after school today. Please contact the PTA to get involved.

PTA Cafe and Uniform Sale – 3:00pm

Come along for a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit to see what we are going to be doing during this year.  There will also be a Used Uniform Sale with items for as little as £1 per item.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Pop in for a coffee and a cake at the world's biggest coffee morning.  Monetary donations, cakes and goodies will be gratefully received on the day.

Spooky Disco Year 3 and 4 3:30pm – 4:30pm

The PTA have organised a Spooky Disco for key stage 2 pupils.  £1.50 to enter which includes prizes, hotdogs and drinks.  Plus a sweet stall. See here for further details - Spooky Disco KS2

Spooky Disco Years 5 and 6 4:45pm – 5:45pm

The PTA have organised a Spooky Disco for key stage 2 pupils.  £1.50 to enter which includes prizes, hotdogs and drinks.  Plus a sweet stall. See here for further details - Spooky Disco KS2

Christmas Fair – 3:30pm

Based in the school hall there will be stalls, games, Santa and a Christmas Cafe. Please come and join in.