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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Pop in for a coffee and a cake at the world's biggest coffee morning.  Monetary donations, cakes and goodies will be gratefully received on the day.

Spooky Disco Year 3 and 4 3:30pm – 4:30pm

The PTA have organised a Spooky Disco for key stage 2 pupils.  £1.50 to enter which includes prizes, hotdogs and drinks.  Plus a sweet stall. See here for further details - Spooky Disco KS2

Spooky Disco Years 5 and 6 4:45pm – 5:45pm

The PTA have organised a Spooky Disco for key stage 2 pupils.  £1.50 to enter which includes prizes, hotdogs and drinks.  Plus a sweet stall. See here for further details - Spooky Disco KS2

Christmas Fair – 3:30pm

Based in the school hall there will be stalls, games, Santa and a Christmas Cafe. Please come and join in.

PTA Christmas Cafe – 3:00pm

Drop in and have a cup of tea and a mince pie - last week of term and looking forward to the Christmas break.

PTA end of term Cake Stall

Straight after school today there will be a Cakes and Sweets stall run by the PTA. All donations should be brought into school in the morning.