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P.E. Cymraeg – Yrs 4, 5 and 6

We have tutors visiting school and the pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 will have their P.E. lesson delivered in Welsh today.  Please make sure they have a P.E. kit in school.

Year 2 visit to the Scala, Prestatyn

As part of the topic "famous people" Year 2 children have been looking at authors and directors and have been invited to the Scala for a free screening of "Paddington 2".  They will walk to the Scala and as the

Yr 2 and Yr 4 – Aladdin, Rhyl Pavilion

Year 2 and Year 4 pupils will have the opportunity to go and see the Panto at the Pavilion Theatre, Rhyl during the afternoon.  They will leave school after lunch and, as it is an afternoon performance, will return to

Year 5 Beatboxing Workshop at Prestatyn High School

Year 5 pupils will visit Prestatyn High School today to take part in a Beatboxing workshop. Please make sure you have returned your consent form. 5J will go during the morning and 5A will go during the afternoon.

Young Voices Concert – meeting for parents 3:20pm

There will be a meeting today for parents of the children taking part in the Young Voices concert at Manchester Arena later this month.  The meeting will take place in the school hall at 3:20pm.