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Summer Fun Day – 12:00pm-3:00pm

This year's Summer Fun day will be outside and we hope it will bigger and better than last year.  There will be funfair rides, stalls, games, raffle, burgers, drinks and this year there will be a car boot sale at

Nursery Sports Fun Day – NEW DATE

Nursery will have another attempt at holding their ‘Sports Fun Day’ today. Morning Nursery 10:15am Afternoon Nursery 1:30pm.   If the weather is once again too wet we will try to hold the event as soon as we can after this

Family Link Workers – Solihull training for parents

This is a training programme for parents to help with the behaviour and development of their children.  Come along and register for the training which can then be done online or at the sessions run at school

Year 4 Walk to Bishops Wood

We will be taking Year 4 pupils to Bishops Wood in Prestatyn The children will walk to the Wood and will be accompanied by their class teacher and other volunteers. Please make sure your child is wearing sensible walking shoes

Year 5/6 Sports Day – NEW DATE

Years 5 and 6 will have another attempt at holding their Sports day on:  Friday 28th June at 9:15am If the weather is once again too wet we will try to hold the event as soon as we can after

End of Year Reports to Parents

End of Year reports will be sent out to parents today. There will be a drop in session on Wednesday 3rd June if you need to see the teacher about the report.