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Moving Up Service by Year 2

Year 2 children will perform their Moving Up Service as they reach the end of Foundation Phase and prepare for joining key stage 2 in September.

Moving Up Day

Year 6 will be at the High School and during the day everyone will move up to the class they will be joining in September and will meet their new teacher.

Year 6 Leavers Service 1:15pm – 3:15pm

This is the end of their time at Ysgol Penmorfa and Year 6 pupils will perform their End of School Leaving Service.  All Year 6 parents, Grandparents and friends are welcome and the service will also include the Awards Ceremony.

VoiceBox Performance 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Our VoiceBox children have worked particularly hard this year and following a successful performance at Manchester Arena would like to perform a show for parents after school today. 

Last day of term

Pupils will return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2019.


Once again this year our PTA will be taking part in the Prestatyn Carnival Parade. We hope we can repeat the success of last year and will enter the parade competition. This year we will be dressing as characters from