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School photos

Individual photos for pupils from Nursery to Year 5. Sibling groups form Nursery to Year 6. Individual photos for Year 6 pupils will be taken later in the year which will also make up their class photo. Early Years class

World Book Day

World Book Day will be celebrated on Thursday 7th March 2019.  To celebrate World Book Day we would like the children to come to school dressed as characters from their favourite stories.  We will spend the day in school, reading

Afternoon Nursery – Parents’ event 1:15pm – 3:00pm

Emma and Steph our Family Link Workers along with Mrs Mawrey would like to invite you to a session of fun activities where we will be introducing top tips for developing early reading and writing skills. This is a lovely

Morning Nursery – Parents’ event 9:15am – 10:45am

Emma and Steph our Family Link Workers along with Mrs Mawrey would like to invite you to a session of fun activities where we will be introducing top tips for developing early reading and writing skills. This is a lovely

Red Nose Day

We will be supporting Comic Relief TC appeal again this year.  Details will be sent home.

Year 6 Chester Zoo

Year 6 pupils will visit Chester Zoo today. The pupils will travel by coach which will leave school at 9.00am and arrive back by the end of the school day. The children will consolidate their knowledge and understanding of animal

Class 5J visit to Wrexham Racecourse FC

Class 5J have the opportunity to visit the Racecourse Stadium, home of Wrexham FC today as part of the Premier League Primary Stars initiative we are participating in. They have been focusing on developing their literacy skills during the class based

Year 1 and Year 2 Scooter Skills

If your child has their own scooter please could they bring them into school for the sessions.  We will encourage the children to share scooters so that those who do not have access to a scooter or who are unable