Buy School Uniform Online!

Swimming – 6C, 6G, 5R

Swimming lessons will take place at the Nova Centre during the morning.  The children will travel to and from the Nova by coach.

PTA Cafe and Uniform Sale – 3:00pm

Come along for a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit to see what we are going to be doing during this year.  There will also be a Used Uniform Sale with items for as little as £1 per item.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Pop in for a coffee and a cake at the world's biggest coffee morning.  Monetary donations, cakes and goodies will be gratefully received on the day.

Reception Class photos for the local press

Every year we invite the local press in to school to celebrate our Reception classes as they settle into full time school.  The pictures will appear in the Journal newspaper. Please contact the school if you would not like your

Year 5 Class Assembly 9:00am

Parents are welcome to come along and see our Year 5 children perform their Class Assembly which will last around half and hour.