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Bookfair week: Monday – Thursday

Each day after school the Book Fair will be open to pupils and parents.  Pupils will also have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair during school time.  You will receive a letter with details of when your child's class

Parents’ Book Fair Christmas Shop 2:30pm

This is your opportunity to purchase books from the Book Fair without your children with you - an ideal opportunity to buy books for Christmas. The event will take place in the Training Room by the School Office.

Christmas Fair 3:30pm

Everyone is welcome to come to our Christmas Fair. Starting at 3:30pm. Santa will be here too and lots of Christmas stalls and games.

Christmas Dinner

Today the canteen staff will be serving a Turkey Roast Dinner at lunch time with all the trimmings! The charge will be £1.90 as normal and of course families entitled to FSM will receive their Turkey Roast as normal with