2025-04-07 Easter Colouring Competition Deadline Easter Colouring Competition Deadline April 7 Easter Colouring Competition Deadline Hand your entries in by the end of today to be in for a chance to win.
2025-04-11 LAST DAY OF TERM LAST DAY OF TERM April 11 LAST DAY OF TERM School will close for the Easter holiday. Pupils return on Monday 28th April 2025
2025-04-28 Pupils return to school Pupils return to school April 28 Pupils return to school School opens today following the Easter holiday
2025-04-28 Yr 6 Bikeability Yr 6 Bikeability April 28 @ 8:00 am - April 29 @ 5:00 pm Yr 6 Bikeability This is a 2 day cycling course for year 6 pupils