The Governors of the school are a group of people who have been elected by parents or teachers or who have been nominated by local government to manage the school. They make or endorse policy decisions such as admission, discipline and curriculum. They appoint staff and are responsible for the delegated budget, the
upkeep of the building and the welfare of pupils and staff.
The Governing Body formally meet at least once every term. In addition to these full meetings, the following sub-committees regularly meet:-
- Finance Sub-Committee
- Curriculum Sub-Committee
- Health, Safety and Maintenance Sub-Committee
- Additional Learning Needs Sub-Committee
Ysgol Penmorfa Governors
Mrs J. Jones Chair | Community |
Mr A. West Vice Chair | Community |
Mr J. Jones | Community |
Vacancy Mr P. Dop | Local Education Authority
Local Education Authority Local Education Authority |
Cllr P. Duffy | Minor Authority |
Mrs E. Millward | Staff |
Mr D Walliker | Parent |
Mrs K Clewett | Parent |
Mr G. Parry | Parent |
Mrs C Harrison | Parent |
Mrs N. Hambridge | Teacher |
Mrs S. Davies | Headteacher |
Mrs J. Lloyd | Clerk to the Governors |
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