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Making the most of everyone

A happy, caring and respectful school community providing quality experiences which enable everyone to reach their full potential.

Our School Aims
  • To create a happy, caring environment where every pupil feels secure and valued.
  • To provide opportunities and quality experiences through which pupils may achieve
  • their full potential.
  • To promote positive relationships, encouraging pupils to show care and respect for
  • one another and consideration towards all members of the community.
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum in order to prepare each child for the
  • many and varied challenges he/she will meet their full potential.

School Development Plan Priorities 2024-2025

  1. To ensure a positive, inclusive, and supportive school environment by embedding Trauma-Informed Schools (TIS) practices and Restorative Practice (RP) to enhance staff and pupil well-being through improved behaviour. 
  2. Ensuring balanced and effective coverage of all AOLEs through cross curricular darganfod sessions.