Welcome to the PTA
NEXT EVENT: QUIZ NIGHT Thursday 25th March 2021– Everyone welcome. This is our first attempt at a quiz via TEAMS and we will be aiming it just at the adults this time. It will start at 8pm and be hosted by our very own ex-Headteacher, Dave Edwards. If you would like to join in or just have a look in, download TEAMS onto your device and send an email to pta.ysgolpenmorfa@gmail.com in time for us to send you your link.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 14th April at 7:30pm via TEAMS
Honorary President – Janet Jones, Chair of Governors
Chair – Daniel Graham-Jones: to oversee all events and coordinate active members to ensure the smooth running of the PTA and all its activities and events.
Treasurer – Soley Jackson: accountable for maintaining accurate accounts, prepare annually for external audit, manage Lottery licensing, Charity status and all other financial matters required of a PTA.
Secretary – vacancy: to take minutes of meetings, deal with communications within the community, arrange external advertisement including fund raising appeals and instruct admin on requirements concerning whole school communication and website content.
Vice Chair – Sophie Jones: will be supporting both the Chair and Secretary with all of the events and giving practical support and advice.
The Head Teacher – Mrs Sharon Davies: will continue to host the PTA TEams meetings and provide advice and guidance where necessary.



Saturday 30th June 2018
1:30pm and 2:30pm
£5.00 per ticket for each show.
Raffle Prizes £100 cash plus:
Rozi’s Tandoori House Cookhouse Silver Birch Golf Flip Out (Chester) Cheshire Farm Bodnant Gardens Asda Hamper Portmeirion Village Greenwood Forest Park Tesco chocolates Paintball Chester Anglesey Sea Zoo Blackpool Pleasure Beach Blue Planet Aquarium
Also, our Summer Fair stalls will be out on the field so come along for a drink, enjoy the Bouncy Castles or just have a browse.
This is the first time we have held our Summer Fair on a Saturday and we hope it will be a great success.
Everyone is welcome!
A huge thank you for your support during our Macmillan Coffee morning.
You managed to raise a fabulous £209.73
Saturday 22nd July 2017

Thank you to everyone who has supported the PTA this year. We had a great end to the Summer Term. We took part in the Prestatyn Carnival Parade today and enjoyed a great sunny afternoon.
We look forward to another busy year starting with a welcome meeting early in September.
We will confirm the dates as soon as we get back to school.
Another busy year for us with a very successful Summer Fair, despite the weather, raising a brilliant £750. This will help towards the recent purchase of books for Foundation Phase.
Previous events…
We would like to say “Happy New Year” to all of our helpers, parents and pupils although the Christmas break seems such a long time ago now!
We are currently busy organising events for the coming year. The Craft Club each Wednesday is proving very popular and we will use this time to also plan and prepare for the events coming up.
Tuesday 14th February 2017 – 3:15pm
St Valentine’s Day Cakes and Sweets Sale
Friday 31st March 2017 – 3:15pm
Easter Egg Tombola
Friday 7th April 2017 – during the school day
Easter Bonnets and Easter Eggs competitions
Friday 30th June 2017 – 3:30pm
Summer Fair
2016 Christmas Fair
Another successful Christmas Fair
Friday 2nd December, 3:30pm
More than £700 was made at the Christmas Fair so a huge thank you to everyone who came and joined in with this very important fund raising event.

The PTA is proud of the enormous effort made by pupils, teachers and parents of Ysgol Penmorfa.
Extra thanks go to extended family embers who donated their time and expertise to make this event memorable. And of course, a big thank you to the Jolly Man himself for making a special visit to our fair with his sacks of goodies!
The Chocolate Tombola (Year 1), Toiletries (Year 2) and the Teddy Tombola (Year 6) virtually sold out, as did the Water or Wine game run by Year 4. With Santa in the Grotto, Cotton Candy and Cakes in the canteen, various stalls and vendors and our ever popular raffle, we raised over £700.00.
Spooky Discos 2016
Ysgol Penmorfa PTA would like to thank the staff, parents and pupils who helped to make this year’s Pumpkin Party and Spooky Discos the best yet! “Dead Fred’s Dastardly Dip” proved to be very popular. as did the Spooky Sweet Stall, where a variety of treats were on offer for the older classes. Year 5 and Year 6 judged entries for Staff Costumes, voting Mrs Mills’ Mad Hatter costume the best. Together we raised an amazing £450.00!
Take a look at some of our pictures….

The PTA also organise the Macmillan Coffee Morning this year, which turned into more of a Coffee Day with a steady stream of visitors all day. Two of our year 6 boys, Andrew and Alfie, helped out serving cakes, drumming up support and raising much needed funds for this brilliant charity.
Total raised £203.
Thank you to everyone for donating to achieve such a huge amount.
Prestatyn Carnival 2016
The PTA worked tirelessly preparing for the Prestatyn carnival parade this year and all of their hard work paid off.
With a special thanks to DHL for the loan of their van and to all of the children and parents who either took part or helped to support us along the way.
They achieved 3rd place in the Mayor’s Theme section and the Charity section but came 1st winning the Best Juvenile section and bringing back to school these certificates, some prize money and Shield to keep for the year.
We are a group of parents, teachers, support staff, grandparents and friends of Ysgol Penmorfa who work together to fundraise and organise social events for the children after school such as discos, cake sales and Big Movie nights.
We meet regularly for a coffee, a chat and talk about ways of raising funds and what fun activities we can organise for the children.
Please feel free to come along to any of our meetings, to put forward your ideas or just to have a coffee, a chat and meet some other parents.
Saturday 23rd July – Prestatyn Carnival Parade
The PTA welcomes anyone who is interested in making Ysgol Penmorfa’s entry to this year’s Prestatyn Carnival fan-tabulous. Our theme is 1980s Rap Music and our After School Carnival Craft Club has been hard at work making costumes, props and banner for the event. Please come along and join the fun!
Summer Fair 2015
The Ysgol Penmorfa 2016 Summer Fair proved a big hit thanks to the dedicated efforts of everyone involved behind the scenes, from parents to teachers, canteen staff and Year 6 pupils (who hauled tables and boxes back and forth on the day as the weather dictated). Special thanks go to the emergency services, RNLI, Police and Fire for attending as well as the many businesses who donated raffle prizes: Anglesey Sea Zoo, Liverpool Sightseeing Tours, Potrmeirion Village, Greenacres Animal Park, Tudor House, Bargain Booze, Tesco, Boots and So Sweet. In addition to the bouncy castle, there was a Toddler-Friendly Zone, Donkey rides, Target Golf and Face-Painting, Bric-a-brac, Lucky Dip and the much anticipated Raffle featuring Cash prizes, Marks and Spencer Luxury packages and a Giant Stuffed Pink and Purple Gorilla!
Despite a rocky start, the Arts and Crafts, Bath Goodies and Chocolate Tombola proved really popular, as did the food and drink provided by the canteen staff. Without doubt the biggest attraction was the Wet Sponge Challenge featuring Special Guest Mr Edwards. With Mr Beattie egging them on, the children queued to take a shot with the water-logged sponges at our much loved Headteacher.
The Summer Fair raised a whopping £1300 which has been used to fund an electronic tablet for every classroom. ICT is an area school would like to improve. Special thanks should go to Daniel and Robert from year 6 for their well-written appeal in support of this.

The Easter Bonnet competition was a great success. Here are a few of the hats that were entered:
More to follow….
The Christmas Fair was a huge success and raised over £1200 for school. Our next venture will be to organise some events around half term then look forward to Easter activities.
to everyone who either helped with or came along to our Christmas Fair.
There were many stalls at the Fair and the atmosphere was really festive. Father Christmas was here and many of the children were able to let him know their special wishes. Tuesday 3rd November 2015 at 3.30pm.
Committee structure
Spooky Disco and Pumpkin Party
The PTA held these events during the last week of term and loads of fun was had by everyone who attended. There were lots of games and competitions and the events were a great success raising over £250. Our thanks go out to everyone who got involved and especially to all of the parents who provided some fantastic costumes for the children. Schroll down to see some great pictures…
Christmas Fair
The next event being organised by the PTA is the Annual Christmas Fair which will be held on Friday 4th December 2015 at 3.30pm. There is a separate letter coming to you with more details for your child’s year group. Raffle tickets are now on sale and the winners will be drawn during the Christmas Fair. Each pupil has been given 2 books each to sell. You are under no obligation to buy or sell these tickets but we would be grateful if any unsold tickets could be brought back to school.
The Christmas Fair 2014 was a huge success and a massive thank you goes out to everyone who came along. We managed to raise over £1200 and have been offered a fund raising match from Barclays bank which will bring the total to almost £2500.
This money will be used to benefit all of pupils in some way and more details will follow once we have them.
There will also be an Auction of items during the Fayre including tickets and vouchers and lots of other Christmas goodies.
Spooky Disco and Pumpkin Party
Children from Year 1 through to Year 6 had a great time at the discos
All ready to go

We played Pitch the Witch, and played lots of games and the costumes were great.

Mr Edwards had a fright when he found some bones in the pumpkin!

and couldn’t quite find the right place to pin the nose onto the Witch!

It was all too much for Mr Grant!

We are a group of parents, teachers, support staff, grandparents and friends of Ysgol Penmorfa who work together to fundraise and organise social events for the children after school such as discos, cake sales and Big Movie nights.
We meet regularly for a coffee, a chat and talk about ways of raising funds and what fun activities we can organise for the children.
Please feel free to come along to any of our meetings, to put forward your ideas or just to have a coffee, a chat and meet some other parents.
How is Money Raised?
- Christmas Fayre and raffle
- Summer Fayre and raffle
- School disco
- Cake sales
- Word search activities
- Sale of donated school uniform
- Children’s personalised Christmas cards
- We are always looking for new and exciting ways of raising funds so if you have any please let us know
How is the Money Spent?
The PTA fund extras for all classes to make learning more fun such as:
- Extensive range of fun reading books for the new library
- Digital cameras for all year groups so that magical memories can be captured
- Fun days for the early years such as providing a bouncy castle
- Materials for art and craft to make activities more exciting
- And many more
Thank you for visiting our webpage please check regularly for dates and times of our next meeting and all our up and coming events!
If you would like to contact the PTA please email pta.ysgolpenmorfa@gmail.com