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Welcome to Year 3

Miss Church and Mrs Gallego welcome you to the Year 3 page on our school website!

Each half term we will be sharing news, photographs, special events and achievements.

Summer Term 2024

3C Welsh Mountain zoo trip
3C Pond dipping
3C Enjoying the park at Welsh Mountain zoo
3C building orangutan nests in their Size of Wales workshop

Spring Term 2024

Measuring worms in the garden

Enjoying Gardening

Conducting a science investigation

Drama activity – Tour Guides of Wales

Summer Term 2023

Grouping different animals in different habitats
In Forest School this week we started to learn about different tools!
We had a go at using potato peelers to practice some whittling and pruning saws to practice our cutting!
We had a great time in Forest School this week!
We talked about what jobs we wanted to do when we are older, and decided to all create a big ice cream parlour!
We all had our own job roles and enjoyed serving our customers!
Creating Obstacles in Forrest School
Life Skills Gardening
Orangutan nest building with our Size of Wales workshop

Spring Term 2023

We all had a busy afternoon in Life Skills – gardening planting oak trees and spending time in the garden area. Afterwards we all enjoyed having hot toast with jam or honey
We had a lovely day decorating our Coronation Biscuits
World Book day today. So many amazing costumes.The Wednesdays were happier than they look, they were just in character!
St Davids Day
World Book Day
World Book Day
World Book Day
We made Crempogau in Life Skills following a traditional Welsh recipe
We enjoyed planting our very own living willow circle in Life Skills. The willow will grow into a dome structure enabling us all to sit inside and enjoy being outside in all weathers
Creating the Welsh Dragon

Autumn Term 2022

WE’ve been learning Mandarin with Miss Wan
PC Manus came to visit
Forest School and Life Skills

Summer Term 2022

Staying fit and healthy in PE
Practical Maths
Making our own George’s Marvellous Medicines as part of World Book Day in Year 3
Having fun in Forest School
Creating symmetrical shapes and poses in PE

Spring Term 2022

Celebrating St David’s Day in Year 3
Hands on history lesson, investigating samples of Roman poo, whilst we learnt all about what the rich and poor Romans ate.
Using place value counters to help divide 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number
Using cubes to help with our 4 and 8 times tables
Recording data using J2E on Hwb
Planting in Lifeskills
Painting Volcanoes
Outdoor Learning Artwork
Outdoor Artwork
Keeping fit and healthy making our own obstacle courses

Creating Roman mosaics on the iPads

Summer Term 2021

In our Cymraeg lessons this half term, we’ve been learning how to express opinions and offer some simple reasons to support our opinions.
This was a very yummy lesson, where Blwyddyn 3, followed their own recipes that they’d written, to make their own tasty chocolate creations.
Blwyddyn 3 have been learning all about angles this week. Here are some of 3J on a right angle hunt.
Blwyddyn 3 had a fun morning outside in the sun, for our sports day this year.

Spring Term 2021

We have been developing our number skills using Numbots. We really enjoy competing to earn ourselves more coins by answering our Maths questions correctly.
We have been collecting data in the car park, which we then used to create our own bar charts on Hwb.
As part of our World War Two work 3J created their own silhouette soldier artwork.
After having listened to the Iron Man story, we have created some of our Steampunk inspired Iron Man Artwork.

Here is a message for Year 3 from Tom Lawrence, professional footballer for Wales and Derby County.

Wales International Tom Lawrence
Glan Llyn – Wal Dringo
Glan Llyn – Tan
Glan Llyn – Saethyddiaeth
Glan Llyn – Dyn Adar
Glan Llyn – Canwio
Year 3 Reading Dog


Learning about Shapes in Forest School

Maths multiplication work
Potions !
PC Mel visited to talk to us about Online safety