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Year 5 Beatboxing Workshop at Prestatyn High School

Year 5 pupils will visit Prestatyn High School today to take part in a Beatboxing workshop. Please make sure you have returned your consent form. 5J will go during the morning and 5A will go during the afternoon.

Young Voices Concert – meeting for parents 3:20pm

There will be a meeting today for parents of the children taking part in the Young Voices concert at Manchester Arena later this month.  The meeting will take place in the school hall at 3:20pm.

Swimming – Year 3

There will be a total of 6 sessions for year 3 at the Nova, Prestatyn. The children will be accompanied by their class teacher and taught by qualified swimming instructors.  They will travel by coach and we ask for a

Foundation Phase movie night

This is being organised by our PTA for years Reception - Year 2.  Further details to follow.

Swimming – Year 3

There is the last of 6 sessions for year 3 at the Nova, Prestatyn. The children will be accompanied by their class teacher and taught by qualified swimming instructors.  They will travel by coach and we ask for a fee

Young Voices Concert – VoiceBox

VoiceBox will be performing at the Young Voices concert this evening at Manchester Arena.  Further details have been given to those pupils taking part.

PTA meeting – everyone welcome

Everyone is welcome to come to the PTA meeting. They will be talking about the upcoming events including the Summer Fair. If you feel you can offer any kind of help please come along.